Friday, February 12, 2010

Back up of truckers outside my door today. We have crates and crates of oilfield equipment going out to Russia today. These guys sit in the middle turn lane, block the road, cut each other off and get in the way of the school busses trying to get in and out of Union. It's kind of entertaining. Although I am wondering how I'm going to get out of here for lunch today!!


Today my big project is shredding. I find it very satisfying to shred what used to be considered important documents. I like the sound, I like the shredded papers. I don't like the dust though...or the mess I have to clean up on the floor. Although I DO like leaving the mess until I'm all finished. Something weirdly satisfying about that too.....

Yesterday I brought candy and put it out for my co-workers to enjoy. And to torture myself with denial. It's almost gone now. Thank goodness!


One of the girls who works out back in the plant got flowers from her husband. Even though I personally would rather have a rose bush that I can plant in my yard and enjoy *hopefully* forever, I still always feel a twinge of something. envy? I guess.... something like, why didn't MY husband do something like that? ho hum...

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Ed Hardy birthday cake

On the other hand, on another day... a cake can make you feel pretty great. Here's my latest successful venture in cakery. An Ed Hardy themed cake for my boss.
caketastrophy. Who knew a pile of sugar, butter, flour and eggs could possibly make a person feel like a complete and utter failure? Well it can and it has.