What is worse than sitting around waiting for the phone to ring? Sitting around waiting and it NEVER rings! OK, not never, but not nearly often enough. Such is my day today. And yesterday. I get my daily doses of tiny bits of work to do, passed on by my sweet co-worker but it's not nearly enough to keep my mind occupied. The last two days I've spent reading the blog of Julie. Of Julie and Julia fame. I've gotten through three months of her blogging and I'm thinking it's best taken in smallish doses. Anyone know any good websites I can visit? (I say to myself and Al : ).
Don't get me wrong, there are things I could be doing. Things I SHOULD be doing. Organizing and preparing the wad of cake related receipts in the center pocket of my purse so that I can file my tax return. But THEN what would I have to look forward to?? I have a lame-o book I'm 1/3 of the way through. P.O.s and paperwork. What loverly choices.
I do have to say that reading the food blogging has me thinking that maybe I feel inspired to cook up something different and delicious tonight. or not.